My name is Adam Anderson. I am a student and this blog is for my media studies coursework.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Hansel and Gretel(Continuity task)
from Wil Allen on Vimeo.
Reviewing my own work:
Looking back on our finished version i feel that overall it was a success as it included the 180 degree rule and used match on action. Throughout the video we used many different camera angles to make the scenes and cuts more interesting. We also made our own music, which was composed by Wil Allen, so it fitted our film rather than using an already existing soundtrack that wouldn't fit our story and style. There was a few small mistakes within the final version, for example one scene was a little too dark so you couldn't see the character. In some scenes the dialogue was a little too quiet which we attempted to fix but there was only so much we could do by editing it, so if we were to improve it and had more time we would re film some scenes so the dialogue was decent.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Evidence of filming
Evidence of filming from Adam Anderson on Vimeo.
This is evidence of my role as lead camera man. There are also clips of scenes we decided to remove due to our feed back on them.
This is evidence of my role as lead camera man. There are also clips of scenes we decided to remove due to our feed back on them.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Production group update
As a member of group has left we have re-assigned the roles in our production group.
Adam Anderson = lead camera man, lead mise-en-scene role
Ishaaq Tolentino = Lead editor, lead sound editor
Adam Anderson = lead camera man, lead mise-en-scene role
Ishaaq Tolentino = Lead editor, lead sound editor
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Target Audience (OTS Task)
Our intended audience for our production is aimed at men between 18 to 30 however other audiences may also enjoy it. This is because men typically enjoy action and crime films more than women. As the film is quite violent it will be watched by adults and as the rating of or production is a 15 we chose to aim it between 18 and 30 as other age groups are usually not interested in action or crime films.
Looking at Pete Buckinghams theory on audiences we decided to aim our production at youth of today and film fanatics. as they fit our age range and are usually males.
We have kept true to most of the Noir conventions but we have modernized it to attract a younger audience as well by using modern props and scenery like computers, watch etc. This is why we have decided that men aged 18-30 will most likely watch our production

Friday, 12 February 2016
Questionair responses
Thursday, 11 February 2016
First version of our OTS (OTS Task)
OTS Task Retribution from Adam Anderson on Vimeo.
This is our first version of our opening title sequence and will be using this version to get feedback.
We encountered some problems when uploading as the program we were using, Final cut pro, had problems with rendering our ident as it was created on photoshop. Due to this we had to remove our Ident for our production company "IshBanDam Productions" as it would not render but in our final version we will include the ident.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Questionnaire for our first version of our OTS (OTS Task)
This is a questionnaire for our first version of our opening title sequence.We will be showing our first version of the opening title sequence to our class to get some feedback and see what we can improve on or what does not work well. I will also post the production on another post to allow anyone to answer the questionnaire to get a variety of responses from different people and age groups.
this was created by Adam Anderson
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Story Board (OTS Task)
Monday, 25 January 2016
Ident soundtrack (OTS Task)
Ident Soundtrack for ISHBANDAM Productions:

This is the non-diegetic track we have decided to use for our ident. The tack is upbeat and fast at the start giving it a good effect on an ident. The track however will need to be cutdown and slowed as we do not want the entire song only the beginning as the text fades in. This will be done in the final cut pro and edited onto the ident.
This was created by Ishaaq Tolentino
Mise en scene (OTS Task)
Some of the props used in our OTS Task:
The Gun: To represent the realism of violence we decided to use a gun which will be used in our hostage scene.
String: In the planning and prep we originally thought we wanted cable ties as it would have been more realistic however it was not accessible so as an alternative we thought some string or rope would work just as well to give the effect of a hostage situation.
Plastic sandwich bag: We used this in our detective scenes to replicate a evidence or DNA bag. This prop would create tension a suspense but also to create an Enigma like how did the detective find it? or was it meant to be found?
Gloves: To make the criminal more aesthetically dangerous we used black gloves which are commonly used by criminals so they don't leave any finger prints.

The Gun: To represent the realism of violence we decided to use a gun which will be used in our hostage scene.
String: In the planning and prep we originally thought we wanted cable ties as it would have been more realistic however it was not accessible so as an alternative we thought some string or rope would work just as well to give the effect of a hostage situation.
Plastic sandwich bag: We used this in our detective scenes to replicate a evidence or DNA bag. This prop would create tension a suspense but also to create an Enigma like how did the detective find it? or was it meant to be found?
Gloves: To make the criminal more aesthetically dangerous we used black gloves which are commonly used by criminals so they don't leave any finger prints.
This was created by Adam Anderson
Film Certificates (OTS Task)
As our film will include violent scenes int needs to have a reasonably high film certificate. When researching the different film certificates on the "British Board Of Film Certificates" if found that the 18 certificate may be the correct certificate for our film. I feel that as our film will include murderer and mild torture that it should only be appropriate for adults. The opening title sequence will include a hostage scene and may be unsuitable for people under 18, However during my research I also found that the 15 certificate may also work for the film but as the actual film may include more scenes that could be distressing to the viewer we decided 18 would be the best solution and people under 18 might not find the film interesting to watch.
18 works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as:
- very strong violence
- frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***') and / or very strong language (e.g. ‘c***’)
- strong portrayals of sexual activity
- scenes of sexual violence
- strong horror
- strong blood and gore
- real sex (in some circumstances)
- discriminatory language and behavior
Though 18 films and videos may cover difficult and strong subjects and themes, harm is still a consideration. Very dangerous or criminal behavior (for example, behavior which if copied poses a credible harm risk) may be cut.
Looking at our resualts from our questionaire many people thought that it should have been an 15 in stead of an 18 which I agree with as there are not any really violent scenes shown within the opening title sequence.
Created by Adam Anderson
sound research (OTS Task)
Sound Research
As I have the role of head of sound I have been doing a lot of research into royalty free sound tracks and into different websites i could use to find the right sound track and piece of music/sound to go over the whole production. I was looking for a piece of sound which was around 2:30 minutes and was filled with suspense and tension.

These are some of the sound websites and sounds inside them which I have been looking at and saving for possible future use in my groups final cut for our OTS task.
this was researched by Ishaaq Tolentino

These are some of the sound websites and sounds inside them which I have been looking at and saving for possible future use in my groups final cut for our OTS task.
this was researched by Ishaaq Tolentino
practice scene drawing (OTS Task)
Hostage Scene Rough Drawing

This is a rough drawing in which we did as a group to outline our scene and to try and include as many of the props in which we think will be in the scene. The camera at the front on show was used to show a possible split screen/live feed which may be used to capture the scene to reflect in other scenes to come.
this was created by Ishaaq Tolentino
This is a rough drawing in which we did as a group to outline our scene and to try and include as many of the props in which we think will be in the scene. The camera at the front on show was used to show a possible split screen/live feed which may be used to capture the scene to reflect in other scenes to come.
this was created by Ishaaq Tolentino
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
final production planning (OTS Task)
our job roles
Me(Adam)-lead camera man
Ish T-lead editor
Jack B-lead sound editor
We will all help each other out but these are our basic roles in which we will be the most involved in and responsible for. I decided that camera man was an appropriate role for me as I am the most experienced with different camera angles and techniques.
I have decided to work with these people as in our practise and the continuity task I thought that their production worked well and as we know each other well we would be able to work well together in a group.
We have thought about our film title and we decided that the name of the film should evolve and the word revenge. We used an online thesaurus and came up with a lot of different names like vengeance, retaliation and reprisal. The name we decided to go with was Retribution as we felt this sounded the best and fitted with our plot for our story. Evidence of us researching for this is in the picture
We decided to create our production name and ident which Ishaaq was in charge of. The first idea was an outline of each of us which worked out quite well and the second was evidence of turning into a video by making the picture and name fade in and out. When thinking of a name for our group we came up with 'IshBanDam productions' this was crated by using three letters of each of our names for example 'Ishi came from the start of Ishaaq and 'Ban' came from Jack Banhma and 'Dam' came from Adam.
Me(Adam)-lead camera man
Ish T-lead editor
Jack B-lead sound editor
We will all help each other out but these are our basic roles in which we will be the most involved in and responsible for. I decided that camera man was an appropriate role for me as I am the most experienced with different camera angles and techniques.
I have decided to work with these people as in our practise and the continuity task I thought that their production worked well and as we know each other well we would be able to work well together in a group.
We have thought about our film title and we decided that the name of the film should evolve and the word revenge. We used an online thesaurus and came up with a lot of different names like vengeance, retaliation and reprisal. The name we decided to go with was Retribution as we felt this sounded the best and fitted with our plot for our story. Evidence of us researching for this is in the picture
We decided to create our production name and ident which Ishaaq was in charge of. The first idea was an outline of each of us which worked out quite well and the second was evidence of turning into a video by making the picture and name fade in and out. When thinking of a name for our group we came up with 'IshBanDam productions' this was crated by using three letters of each of our names for example 'Ishi came from the start of Ishaaq and 'Ban' came from Jack Banhma and 'Dam' came from Adam.
For inspiration we looked at a few images of crime scenes and terrorist scenes in other films to give us an idea of what we want to create. For one of our props we decided to create a suspect board which will be used in our opening title sequence
created by Adam Anderson
Friday, 1 January 2016
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