Monday 29 February 2016


Evaluation link here


  1. excellent work so far - please bring the last 3 up to this standard

    Home/about - EXCELLENT WORK clear and well presented – good use of buttons and structure linking to all your other sites and partners sites
    Q1 - excellent - clear, detailed and thorough although the writing is still a little too small and so hard to read
    Q2 - strong and well presented (?? could you add a definition of representation/social groups in media terms perhaps) Improve it by using the terms stereotype/archetype/symbolic and a discursive tome - reflect on how the audience reads the social group through these objects in a general cinema /movie context as a short summary conclusion
    Q3 - strong, clear answer with good evidence of both understanding and knowledge of institutions and exhibition processes. well done
    Q4 - good work but check spellings on the font page then how will your TA watch/consume it? reflect comparatively on cinema/tv/purchase and streaming and the way your potential TA could be classified and which method you would therefore be using - show your process of research/decide/plan/deliver - ass it as text on the main page rather than adding to the prezi
    Q5 -
    Q6 -
    Q7 -

  2. Well done for meeting the deadline.
