Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Questionnaire for our first version of our OTS (OTS Task)

 This is a questionnaire for our first version of our opening title sequence.We will be showing our first version of the opening title sequence to our class to get some feedback and see what we can improve on or what does not work well. I will also post the production on another post to allow anyone to answer the questionnaire to get a variety of responses from different people and age groups.

this was created by Adam Anderson


  1. the questionaire is not embedded - see me to help how to make it live

  2. I have read all posts: you have improved pace and atl is stronger but many of these posts are lacking detail and academic languae plus they need refining of layout and presentation quality. Your creativity is good, ideas and planning are there - your teamwork is good, I am aware of how much you are leading and you are clearly working better that earlier in the project. There are simply not enough reflective and evaluative comments and not enough theory or evidence of media knowledge yet. Each post also needs to have far more content - think: what am I trying to show off to the examiner:
    - you need to add images and examples in each post to show the visual side including how things have developed - also think more about layout and presentation clarity you can do better allow time each day to improve and refine the presentation and add images
    THEN - you need more media language and critical theory.

    Read all your posts and ensure that each post includes reflection and evidence in media language of at least 2 or 3 NARIM and several codes and conventions
    NARRATIVE (the story and how is is evolving / being constructed)
    AUDIENCE ( how are you providing for them and who are they)
    REPRESENTATION ( of people/ places / things etc)
    INDUSTRY (in this case film - producers / exhibition / distribution)
    MEDIA LANGUAGE - use as much media terminology as poss - find the glossaries in common files

    codes and conventions - i.e - technical / symbolic / visual - reference at least 5 points on each post - see me to expand if it helps

    finally make sure you explain and refine/develop your intended narrative Codes as the production evolves.

    Do this and your grade will rise
