There a common characters in a film noir and these consist of:
- The Everyman(Anti-hero)
- The Femme-Fatal
- The Villain
- The Henchman/Henchmen
- The girl next door(Female Anti hero)
The Everyman or the Anti hero usually has a bad background but does come out the better man. Usually the anti hero tends to fall in love with the femme-fatal which encourages him to commit crimes to their benifit. The femme-fatal is usually shown as a "sexy" young women wearing high heels and red lipstick which lures the everyman in to their secret plots. this usually results in the man getting caught and the femme-fatal getting killed. The villain and the henchmen are obviously shown as dangerous people who try to hurt people and attempt to kill the anti hero. The girl next door is the innocent girl which is the opposite to the femme-fatal and what the anti hero really wants but does not realise it.
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