we were set a task to create sounds based of an extract we watched in class. These are a few sounds that I created to experiment at foleying and I think some sounds went better than others so for the next part i will focus on the editing and perfecting the sounds by using a better recording device.
My name is Adam Anderson. I am a student and this blog is for my media studies coursework.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Hansel and Gretel evaluation
My group consisted of me, Wil Allen and Jude Clark. I was the lead camera man and co editor along side Wil. Wil was also co editor and composed and edited the music to our video. Jude was the lead character role and created and edited his narration. Overall I think the group worked well as we got the task done within the time given and the final production went well. I think if we were to do it again we could do with a little more planning and we could spend more time editing and perfecting it.
We decided to use the basic story of Hansel and Gretel but include the stock characters of a noir film. We made The Witch the femme fatal which seduced the Hansel which was the every-man. Gretel was the girl next door which rejuvenated the every-man from his 'bad decisions'. We also added our own characters which were the 'horrible' parents which sent them off into the woods for some 'sweets'. I feel that in the final production we were able to show who was who and that it was clear to the audience which character they were and what role they had, when we were given feedback we were told the story and narrative was 'easy' and 'clear' to understand.
During the making of our task we chose to film in the woods to keep the original theme of Hansel and Gretel and we decided to use a drama studio to film for the witches house however we thought that this location did not work well with the theme so we instead used Jude's house which fitted with the modern/noir theme. For the editing, the software I used was imovie as it was able to do everything we wanted like add filters. For one of the scenes in the woods I found that the camera was not steady so i had to edit this but there was only so much I could do using the software so if we had more time i would re-film that scene so the film flowed together more. We decided to compose our own music so it fitted our style more. Wil was in charge of the composing the music as he was experienced in that area, this worked well as it built up tension leading the gun scene and kept the scenes flowing together.
Overall I think it went well as our classmates enjoyed the film but to improve we could re-visit the editing as one or two scenes had a few mistakes but I feel that it was a success and we met the brief which was to include the 180 degree rule and i think we kept continuity throughout the production.
media evaluation from adam on Vimeo.
My group consisted of me, Wil Allen and Jude Clark. I was the lead camera man and co editor along side Wil. Wil was also co editor and composed and edited the music to our video. Jude was the lead character role and created and edited his narration. Overall I think the group worked well as we got the task done within the time given and the final production went well. I think if we were to do it again we could do with a little more planning and we could spend more time editing and perfecting it.
We decided to use the basic story of Hansel and Gretel but include the stock characters of a noir film. We made The Witch the femme fatal which seduced the Hansel which was the every-man. Gretel was the girl next door which rejuvenated the every-man from his 'bad decisions'. We also added our own characters which were the 'horrible' parents which sent them off into the woods for some 'sweets'. I feel that in the final production we were able to show who was who and that it was clear to the audience which character they were and what role they had, when we were given feedback we were told the story and narrative was 'easy' and 'clear' to understand.
During the making of our task we chose to film in the woods to keep the original theme of Hansel and Gretel and we decided to use a drama studio to film for the witches house however we thought that this location did not work well with the theme so we instead used Jude's house which fitted with the modern/noir theme. For the editing, the software I used was imovie as it was able to do everything we wanted like add filters. For one of the scenes in the woods I found that the camera was not steady so i had to edit this but there was only so much I could do using the software so if we had more time i would re-film that scene so the film flowed together more. We decided to compose our own music so it fitted our style more. Wil was in charge of the composing the music as he was experienced in that area, this worked well as it built up tension leading the gun scene and kept the scenes flowing together.
Overall I think it went well as our classmates enjoyed the film but to improve we could re-visit the editing as one or two scenes had a few mistakes but I feel that it was a success and we met the brief which was to include the 180 degree rule and i think we kept continuity throughout the production.
media evaluation from adam on Vimeo.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Hansel and Gretel(Script)
Hansel & Gretel
The Witch=Adam
Opening title sequence
(Hansel is being cooked)
Hansel: I guess you want to know how i got here don't you, well it all started with my parents
Flashback to house
(Hansel walks into a room with parents)
Hansel: Hi mum and dad
Dad: His son, we need you to get us some sweets
Hansel: But what-
Mum: Head to the forest and don't bother coming back unless you have any sweets.
(Hansel walks out of the room)
Flashback to Hansel and Gretel walking in the forest
Hansel: Why did mum and dad tell us to come out here we're never gonna find any sweets out here
(Gretel nods)
Hansel: I Brought some bread just in case we get lost
Gretel: That's good, i also brought dads gun just for protection you know?
(Hansel and Gretel get lost)
(A twig breaks)
Gretel: What was that?
Hansel: Come on lets get out of here
(They come to tow paths leading to different directions)
Hansel: Hey look the paths splits into two, i can see a house down there
Gretel: It could be risky
Hansel: They could have sweets that's what we need
(Gretel shakes her head)
Gretel: It could be dangerous we shouldn't go there
Hansel: Well fine I'm going this way without you
Gretel: Fine!
(They split up with Hansel heading towards the house)
(Hansel sees a lady outside and is draw to her)
Hansel: She looked beautiful standing there
(Hansel follows the lady inside the house)
The Witch: Take a seat
(They both sit down next to table)
The Witch: Are you looking for these(Holding up a bag of sweets)
Hansel: Where did you get these
The Witch: Does it matter, try one
(The Witch gives a evil stare hoping Hansel will try one)
(Hansel gives in and takes a sweet and starts to chew)
(Hansel gets a sugar rush and starts hallucinating)
(As Hansel is slightly unconscious she Takes in into a oven)
Flashback to furnace
Hansel: So this is how I got here
(Gretel picks up here phone and starts to ring Hansel)
(Hansel picks up his phone)
Gretel: Hansel I should have never of left you
Hansel: No Gretel there's no time for that, I need to to come and save me
Gretel: Wait what?
Hansel: Quick come to that house and help me
Gretel: OK I'm on my way
(Gretel enters the house with her dads gun ready)
Gretel:(She whispers) Hansel, Hansel you there?
(Gretel slowly walks through the corridor, and comes to a room. she sees the Witch as she enters the room)
The Witch: Who are you what are you doing here
Gretel: I'm looking for my brother Hansel, Where is he!
The Witch: Hah your too late
(Gretel shoots the Witch out of anger, she then walks over the Witches body and finishes her off)
(Hansel screams to Gretel for help, she runs over and pulls him out of the furnace and they both hug)
Gretel: Come on lets get out of here
Hansel; Hang on, not without those sweets
(Hansel picks up the sweets)
Hansel: Now we can go
(They both leave the house and head home)
The End
Thursday, 1 October 2015
What is a Sweded film
A sweded film is a recreation of a popular film using a very low budget. The rules of a sweded film are:
- It must be already based on a popular film produced within the last 35 years
- It must be between 2-8 minutes long
- It must not contain any special effects or sound effects using a computer
- Special effects is limited to camera tricks and hand made props
- Sound effects must be made by human means only
- You cannot use clips of the actual film
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Sweded film trailer(Ouija Board)
This is the trailer me and my group are going to swede and recreate.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Sweded film script
OUIJA Sweded film script
what’s going on?
what’s going on?
I just don’t wanna go out tonight
I just don’t wanna go out tonight
Are you sure you don’t wanna come?
Are you sure you don’t wanna come?
I'm good.
I'm good.
Go, go have fun (voice over)
Never feel like even after someone you love has died there’s still a way you can talk to them
Never feel like even after someone you love has died there’s still a way you can talk to them
you want to talk to Debbie?
you want to talk to Debbie?
This is where Debbie died
I don’t think this is a good idea
I don’t think this is a good idea
As friends we've gathered hearts are true, spirits near we call to you
As friends we've gathered hearts are true, spirits near we call to you
If you can hear us, Debbie I miss you
Calm down it’s an old house
Calm down it’s an old house
this is a joke
this is a joke
Come on you guys who’s doing that?
Come on you guys who’s doing that?
Sarah cut it out
Sarah cut it out
I'm not pushing
I'm not pushing
It just spelt "hi friend"
It just spelt "hi friend"
Okay this is freaking me out, I’m done with this
Okay this is freaking me out, I’m done with this
I found something. I found something. I want to get this on camera...
I found something. I found something. I want to get this on camera...
(Camera) I found something in my house,
Weird things started happening as soon as I found the board (voice over)
Debbie found the board in her house, she woke something up
Debbie found the board in her house, she woke something up
is somebody there?
is somebody there?
this thing, it’s haunting us
this thing, it’s haunting us
it’s coming for all of us (voice over)
it’s coming for all of us (voice over)
So who's next?
how do we stop this?
how do we stop this?
you have to break the connection or it will keep coming for you
you have to break the connection or it will keep coming for you
we have to play the game again, one last time (voice over)
we have to play the game again, one last time (voice over)
as friends we've gathered hearts are true, spirits near we call to you (voice over)
as friends we've gathered hearts are true, spirits near we call to you (voice over)
Can you show us a sign?
Can you show us a sign?
(Scream) did you kill Debbie?! We’re done. We’re not playing anymore
it’s not even real ok? Cheers to them
it’s not even real ok? Cheers to them
This was created by Ish
Monday, 28 September 2015
Sweded film props
For our sweded film we needed a few props. This was the process and making one of the props in our film.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Saturday, 26 September 2015
My top ten movies
I was set a task to present my top ten movies of all time and I decided to create a YouTube video, I experimented and learnt how to do this by looking at other videos similar to the one I made.
Friday, 25 September 2015
What is foley?
Using YouTube I found a video which explained what foley was and how it is done in films. The link to the video is here(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOOusLtr6NQ&feature=youtu.be)
From my research I learnt that foley is used a lot as it can be more effective than sound effects as the noises can be made in time with the image, where as using normal sound effects can be more time consuming by having to insert small clips and noises where they happen on screen.
Understanding the media job roles
This is a link to a website I used for research and information on different media job roles
This is a link to a website I used for research and information on different media job roles
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Film Noir

There a common characters in a film noir and these consist of:
- The Everyman(Anti-hero)
- The Femme-Fatal
- The Villain
- The Henchman/Henchmen
- The girl next door(Female Anti hero)
The Everyman or the Anti hero usually has a bad background but does come out the better man. Usually the anti hero tends to fall in love with the femme-fatal which encourages him to commit crimes to their benifit. The femme-fatal is usually shown as a "sexy" young women wearing high heels and red lipstick which lures the everyman in to their secret plots. this usually results in the man getting caught and the femme-fatal getting killed. The villain and the henchmen are obviously shown as dangerous people who try to hurt people and attempt to kill the anti hero. The girl next door is the innocent girl which is the opposite to the femme-fatal and what the anti hero really wants but does not realise it.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
The Generic Conventions of a Film noir
Generic Conventions
Camera and Composition
Within a Film Noir there are a lot of different camera angles and use of composition makes them more interesting to watch. A common camera angle used in a film noir is low angle shots as they make the object or the character appear more powerful, this is commonly used for the femme-fatal and the anti hero as it shows there level of power they have as the film progresses. Dutch angle shots are also used a lot to give a sense of unease for the characters,they are shots which are slightly tilted instead of being vertical or horizontal. Another common camera angle is framing.
The most common convention of noir films, is that it starts at the end and uses flashbacks to tell the story. Most scenes a shot during day but use dark filters as it is cheaper. In films like 'Black Dalia' which have been made recently they are shown in colour but use dull filters to create as sense of fear and make the audience feel uneasy. There is not much editing in film noir as they did not have the money or technology at the time, so most of the editing is done using filters.
the music in noir films is mostly used to create a sense of uneasiness or create tension. The common type of music used is jazz as it is quite downbeat and at the time people were scared of jazz and the people that played it which were black. Most if not all noir films use silence to create supsense. Usually during flashbacks there is a voice over of the everyman. The music is usually made by instruments as they did not have the technology in the 1940's.
The common setting of a film noir is an urban location and dark alleys. The use of urban locations shows that it is more realistic as the setting is just a everyday location. The lighting is one of the most important parts of a film noir as for the visual style they use low key lighting. A common convention is the use of venetian blinds, as the light shines through and crates a shadow on a characters face giving a mysterious atmosphere. Another common prop using is cigerrettes and smoke to show danger and mainly as the dangers of smoking was not know then.
In a film noir the common characters are:
The most common convention of noir films, is that it starts at the end and uses flashbacks to tell the story. Most scenes a shot during day but use dark filters as it is cheaper. In films like 'Black Dalia' which have been made recently they are shown in colour but use dull filters to create as sense of fear and make the audience feel uneasy. There is not much editing in film noir as they did not have the money or technology at the time, so most of the editing is done using filters.
the music in noir films is mostly used to create a sense of uneasiness or create tension. The common type of music used is jazz as it is quite downbeat and at the time people were scared of jazz and the people that played it which were black. Most if not all noir films use silence to create supsense. Usually during flashbacks there is a voice over of the everyman. The music is usually made by instruments as they did not have the technology in the 1940's.
The common setting of a film noir is an urban location and dark alleys. The use of urban locations shows that it is more realistic as the setting is just a everyday location. The lighting is one of the most important parts of a film noir as for the visual style they use low key lighting. A common convention is the use of venetian blinds, as the light shines through and crates a shadow on a characters face giving a mysterious atmosphere. Another common prop using is cigerrettes and smoke to show danger and mainly as the dangers of smoking was not know then.
In a film noir the common characters are:
- The everyman(Anti-hero)
- The femme-fatal
- The girl next door
- the henchman/henchmen
- Villan
there are variety of other characters and there are few which are used a lot such as:
- Detectives
- Gangsters
- Police/corrupted
- beautiful women
- assassins
The everyman is usually a white american in his late 30's, so the audience can relate to him and imagine they are in the action as well, this is because the audience is most likely to be white americans in there late 30's. The everyman is always tricked or seduced in some way by the femme-fatal so she can get the everyman to commit crimes to benefit them.
The plot of film noire mostly start at then end with the everyman, and he has flashbacks to tell his story of how he ended up in some sort of bad situation. Some common narratives consist of:
- Murder
- drugs
- gangsters
- sexual obsession
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Monday, 21 September 2015
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Saturday, 19 September 2015
Analyzing Skyfall
SkyFall Syonpsis
A MI6 agent by the name of James Bond, hunts to find a stolen hard drive which he later finds out the one with this information is from his bosses past who has it in for her. while trying to track down the villan, 'm' (Bonds boss) life is in danger which Bond has to protect. I personally feel that this is a great film and has you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the next heroic action Bond does next, it is also filled with action and has numerous fight scenes.
Within this frozen image you can see an injured man sitting down which appears to be near death, and the other is shown to be helping the injured man. Both of the men are wearing suits which shows that they have an important jobs and as one of them is presumably shot it is likely they are some sort of agent. The character sitting down is shown as having a low status as he is low down and injured which could mean he is perhaps "expendable". Within this image it is clear the injured man might not live as rays of light is shining on him which represents him being taken up to heaven of some sort. The location is set in a dark room with old furniture, which could resemble mystery as the audience will want to stay and find out what happened and what is going to happen. I think the camera is positioned like this to show the that the man sitting down is injured but if I was to change the camera angle I would change so you can see the others characters face and emotions.
The first shot is a long shot, we see a dark corridor and a dark figure at the end. as the figure moves forward he comes into focus. this gives the audience a sense of mystery and instantly makes them want to find out who the figure is and where he is. this first shot is used to engage the audience and show that the character is sneaking around in a dark and dangerous place. we find out that the person is the protagonist 'James Bond' when we can see part of his face due to the lighting and an extreme close up. This technique was used to slowly reveal the character to create tension. The camera the pans around so we can see what he is looking at and follow him into the room, there is also use of a handheld camera which makes the audience feel like they are there in the intense moment as well. Then the camera focuses on the dead bodies which shows we are being dropped right into the action. Later on there is use of an eye line match as we see the character looking at the table and then we see there is a broken laptop which again is used to reveal important things to the audience. After a few close ups we then follow behind the main character out of the room.
The majority of the colours at the beginning are dark, black and brown colors to show a dangerous and mysterious place to create tension. I think aesthetics of this scene were used to create a dangerous atmosphere and used to create a lot of suspense and tension
Altogether there about 5 characters, the main character is James Bond which is a white British, 40 year old which is because the film is aimed at a males around there 40's so they can picture themselves as the main character and can possibly relate or look up to even though the character is not really realistic. Another character Is the person talking to him over a phone or ear piece which is likely to be his boss and is a woman, not much is revealed about this character but fans of James Bond films would be able to recognize the voice. The rest of the characters shown do not have any dialogue as they are severely hurt or dead.
By looking at the clip, the story is about an agent of some sort looking for a device which appears to be stolen. the main character searches for it but it appears he was too late. Not much is revealed straight away so the audience will carry on watching to find out what has been stolen and who stole it. We see the protagonist attempt to help someone but is unsuccessful which is likely to motivate him to hunt down the thief or villain.The person in his ear appears to be his boss as he is following her orders which to not appear to be the right ones as he was told to leave someone which was shot, this could show that his boss is not particularly caring or makes the wrong calls
The very first sound we hear is used to show a figure enter a corridor which is an original piece of music which is used for all James Bond films as it is transitional and resembles its brad identity. the non digetics have been amplified like the footsteps and gun noises to create tension. a lot of silence is also used to build up tension.Someone appears to be taking to the main character over an earpiece which is adjusted to sound slightly electronic.
The sequence is set in a dark building to create tension to build up to the action. The building and furniture looks quite old and by looking at the style it looks like it is set in a foreign country. at the end of the opening scene we see daylight and what appears to be a festival of some sort which again creates tension as it means that there are civilians to look out for.
The film is mostly aimed at males as they prefer the action and fighting films, also they can picture themselves as James Bond, however it can also appeal to females as they could be attracted to the actor that plays James Bond. Fans of the James Bond films will be most likely to watch it as well as action adventure fans. This is also quite a well know film and is very popular so any film fan will be likely to watch it as well.
At the very beginning, traditionally they include the actor of James Bond to walk across the screen through a barrel of a gun and then shoot the screen, this keeps the brand identity of the James Bond films. Traditionally after the first scene there are opening credits which show the main creators and actors are shown, this scene includes a song specifically written about the films story using a well know singer at the time, for example for Skyfall they had Adele. During the opening title sequence they also have an animated and edited clips consisting partially naked women which shows again why it is mos likely aimed at men.
Friday, 18 September 2015
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